Andrew and I talked a lot about taking G-EJBI a little closer to Munich so we could enjoy a visit to Oktoberfest. In the end we decided to use the fine weather on the Sunday and head home. The fly-in had been expertly organised and included many firsts, I doubt I will ever see another hot air balloon display with burners lit in time to a Queen soundtrack! Richard and Brian had flown their 207 G-EFTE from the UK so it was great to meet them, Rolf and Sylvie flew in a very beautiful Klemm 107 and all the other 207, 208 and 209 owners made us most welcome. Routing in pretty much a straight line to the coast, we stumbled across Hockenhiem motor racing circuit and saw the Concorde and TU-144 on Sinsheim museum roof. A quick stop at Calais for Schengen and fuel, then back home.